

(Acetamiprid 100g/l + Emamectin-benzoate 20g/l) Insecticide/miticide for control of Thrips, Whiteflies, spider mites ,caterpillars, leaf miner, fall armyworms, Diamondback month and Tuta absoluta  .


GUARANTEE (DHAMANA):Imidacloprid 120 gr/Lt + Abamectin 30 gr/Lt Description Insecticide for the control of Thrips and Whiteflies on Roses. Rate 300 ml/Ha in 1000L of water; 6 ml/20 Lt of water


(Chloropyrifos 480g/Lt) CropCoffee, Vegetables, Flowers Target InsectBerryborer, Leafminer, Scales, aphids, mealy bugs. Rate/Ha & 20Lt1-1.5Lt/Ha 50-75ml/20Lt

Murphy Diazol 60EC

(Diazion 600g/l) Target InsectMealy bugs, aphids, white flies, Scales, caterpillars, red spider mites, thrips. CropFruits & citrus, trees, coffee, pineapples, vegetables, ornamentals. Rate/Ha & 20Lt0.75-1.5Lt/Ha 30-60ml/20Lt

DC Tron Plus

(Refined based oil 98.8%) CropCoffee, French beans, tomatoes, kales, cabbages, carnations, roses. Target InsectAphids, Whiteflies, flower thrips, American bollworm, leafminer, diamond-backmoth, red spider mites. Rate/Ha & 20Lt60-200ml per 20Lt