

(Tebuconazole 250g/l) Targeted disease Leaf rust,leaf blotch,septoria. Crop target Wheat Rates 0.5-0.7l/ha in 200-300 litres of water for ground application and in 30litres for aerial spray 10mls-15mls per 20l of water

Samaya kop 50wp

(Copper Hydroxide 85% – Equivalent Metalic Copper 50%) Target DiseaseControl of leaf rust, CBD, Anthracnose, leafspot, botrytis, blackspots, Lateblight. Rate/Ha & 20Lt70-140g/ 20Lt (coffee) 40g/20Lt for other crops.


(Mancozeb 700g/Kg Cymoxanil 60g/kg) Target DiseaseEarly & Lateblight, doneymildew, & other fungal diseases. CropPotatoes, tomatoes, cucumber, beans, vegetables. Rate/Ha & 20Lt2.0-2.5Kg/Ha 40-60g/20Lt

Dithane M45

(Mancozeb 800g/1Kg) CropApples, grapes, potatoes, beans, tomatoes, vegetables, ornamentals, mangoes. Target DiseaseEarly & Lateblight, downey mildew, anthracnose, scab, leafspot, scar rust. Rate/Ha & 20Lt1.5-2.5Kg/Ha 50g/20Lt