Foliar feeds


Zinc 22% + Boron 7% A high concentration inorganic foliar fertilizers for application to coffee,trees,cereals,canola and other horticultural crops for optimum flowering. Crop Cereals,coffee,trees,canola, flowers Rates 0.5-1lts/ha  60mls/20ltrs

Omex Bio 20

NPK: 20-20-20 Is a highly concentration emulsion with macro and chelated micro elements enriched with biofactors to help the plant fight any stress conditions caused by high temperatures, soil conditions,moisture  availability and diseases. Crop Fruits,Vegetables,Cereals Rate 20mls/20lt  1ltr/ha   

Omex foliar feed

NPK: 24-24-18 + TE CROP Cereals, coffee, vegetables and fruits. CONDITIONS CONTROLLED Fully water soluble foliar fertilizer formulation, applied to fruit, vegetables, ornamentals, coffee and cereals for optimum yield and quality. Corrects all mineral deficiency RATE/HA & 20Lt 1lt-1.5Lt per Ha 20-30ml/20Lt


(Copper and Zinc) CropWheat, legumes, potatoes, carrots, brassicas, lettuce & other crops. Conditions ControlledTo correct nutrient deficiency and improve plant health and tolerance to abiotic stress. Rate/ha & 20Lt1ltr per ha 20 – 30ml / 20l of water.

Murex K

(NPK 10:20:40 + trace elements) CropCoffee, cereals, vegetables, tomatoes, roses & ornamentals, strawberries. Conditions ControlledCorrects potassium deficiency symptoms. Rate/ha & 20Lt2.0lt-3.0Lt per Ha 20ml/20Lt

Murex P

(NPK 10:40:20 + trace elements) CropCoffee, horticulture, ornamentals Conditions ControlledCorrects Phosphate deficiency symptoms. Rate/ha & 20Lt1lt-1.5Lt per Ha 20-30ml/20Lt


Calmax(15%N + 22% Ca + trace elements) CropTomatoes, Potatoes, Horticulture, Ornamentals. Conditions ControlledBlossom end rot, internal brown spot, cracking, tip burn Rate/ha & 20lt1.5-3.5lt per Ha 30-70ml/20lt

Omex Boron

6.5%N +15 CROPSugarbeet legumes, Vegetables, fruits cotton cerial, coffee etc. CONDITIONS CONTROLLEDCorrects Boron deficiency symptoms e.g brittle leaves in sorghum,and brasscas Enhances pollination. RATE/HA & 20LTS1-3 Lt/Ha, 20-40ml/20lt